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Wenger Makes His Say On The Team’s Poor Performance This Season 

The gunners are currently having one of their worst seasons ever as they are doing poorly in every competition except Europa League and Wenger has given out his personal view on the current club crisis.



The gunners have been pretty awful this season and they recently lost their big chance of winning the Carabao Cup after they got defeated by Manchester City but Arsene Wenger says that he wants to get results for the team.

The Arsenal team currently has its hopes in the Europa League as the only competition because it’s already been kicked out of other competitions and most of the football pundits and supporters of Arsenal believe that this is due to Wenger’s poor decisions.

Wenger has expressed his internal feeling about the current club crisis so here’s is what he had to say;

“Difficult because I want to do well for the club. I want to do well for the fans and want them to go home happy and when I can’t give them that satisfaction I’m unhappy of course. ’ Wenger told

‘First of all, I dedicated my whole life to winning football matches so when I lose I’m in disastrous shape.”

The manager is well known for his passionate love for Arsenal but it seems the fans believe that it is time for him to finally retire even though he has done many accomplishments for the Gunners.

Wenger is under contract until 2019 with the gunners but the club reserves the right to terminate that contract if they feel some how not satisfied with the performances of the North London club.

Hello there everybody?! Am Mumbere Osbert the chief editor of Arsenal True Fans, I am a person who likes  digging up statistics of football players in order to do accurate analysis. My interests are football, movies, music.

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