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Arsenal legend makes an interesting comment on Gabriel Martinelli



( Arsenal winger Gabriel Martinelli / Photo via Getty )

Arsenal legend Thierry Henry has heaped praise on Gabriel Martinelli, highlighting the Brazilian’s unwavering commitment and impressive development. Speaking to Premier League Productions on YouTube, Henry said: “People love him at Arsenal because he gives 100 per cent every single game. I think the way he’s improved is amazing. You can play low with him, on the counter, you can go and press with him.”

The former Arsenal forward recognized Martinelli’s versatility and ability to adapt to different tactical approaches, emphasizing his impact across various styles of play. The 22-year-old winger enjoyed a strong 2023/24 season, scoring 6 goals and providing 4 assists in the Premier League, demonstrating his growing influence in the Arsenal attack.

Henry’s comments underscore Martinelli’s growing stature at the Emirates Stadium. The Brazilian’s relentless work ethic and tactical flexibility have made him a crucial part of Mikel Arteta’s side. He has seamlessly integrated into Arsenal’s high-pressing system, demonstrating a willingness to contribute both offensively and defensively.

Martinelli’s development is a testament to his commitment and the guidance of Arteta. As he continues to refine his skills and mature as a player, he is poised to become a key figure in Arsenal’s pursuit of future success.

Hello there, Am Mumbere Ausbel from Uganda and I am a writer at Arsenal True Fans and I love watching football matches so much because it's my favourite sport. I am an optimistic person who usually likes to look at the good side of everything.

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