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Arsenal receive two obstacles in signing Bruno Guimares in the summer transfer window

Arsenal will hope to improve their squad in the summer transfer window and they have identified Bruno Guimares as the perfect target but face two obstacles.



( Arsenal transfer target Bruno Guimares / Photo via Getty)

The race for the Premier League title may be over for now, but the battle for top talent is already in full swing. Arsenal are reportedly making a move for Newcastle United’s midfield maestro Bruno Guimaraes as per The Standard, as they seek to further bolster their squad for a renewed title charge next season.

The Gunners are long-term admirers of the 26-year-old Brazilian, who enjoyed a stellar 2023/24 campaign with seven goals and eight assists for Newcastle. His dynamic playmaking, combative midfield presence, and ability to unlock defenses have made him a key figure in the Magpies’ resurgence.

However, acquiring Guimaraes will be no easy feat. Newcastle are understandably reluctant to part ways with their prized asset, and his reported £100 million price tag will be a significant hurdle for any potential suitor. To make the deal more attainable, Arsenal are reportedly willing to pay the fee in three annual installments, a strategy that could prove crucial in navigating the league’s Profit & Sustainability Rules.

Adding fuel to the fire, Manchester City are also reportedly in the running for Guimaraes’ signature. This potential transfer saga promises to be a major talking point this summer, with two of the Premier League’s most ambitious clubs vying for the services of one of the league’s most exciting midfielders. The transfer battle for Guimaraes could well decide the fate of the 2024/25 Premier League title race, even before a single ball is kicked.

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