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Takehiro Tomiyasu sends an important message to Arsenal fans on social media

Arsenal defender Takehiro Tomiyasu was very impressive for the gunners in the big games in the recently concluded season and he has sent an important message to the fans.



( Arsenal defender Takehiro Tomiyasu / Photo via Getty )

Arsenal defender Takehiro Tomiyasu has sent a message of reassurance to the Gunners faithful after the conclusion of the 2023/24 season. Despite ending the campaign in a commendable second place with 89 points, the disappointment of missing out on the Premier League title to Manchester City was palpable.

However, Tomiyasu, known for his unwavering commitment and dedication, has expressed his confidence in the team’s ability to bounce back stronger. In a post on Instagram, the Japanese international wrote, “Thank you for your support through the season. We will be stronger. See you soon, Arsenal.”

The message carries a sense of optimism and determination, suggesting that the squad is already looking ahead to next season with a renewed focus. Tomiyasu’s words are sure to resonate with Arsenal fans who have witnessed his consistent performances and unwavering spirit throughout his time at the Emirates.

While the disappointment of narrowly missing out on the title is understandable, Tomiyasu’s message serves as a reminder that the journey continues and that the squad remains united in their pursuit of success. Arsenal fans will be hoping that Tomiyasu’s words will translate into tangible improvements on the pitch, as the club strives to reclaim the Premier League crown in the upcoming season.

I am a very stubborn person who is always very argumentative in football discussions but I always win. I like writing about transfer news most.

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