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Arsenal’s Edu reveals his summer meticulous plans and why fans need patience

Arsenal sporting director Edu Gaspar has sent an important message to the fans with an update on the club’s summer transfer window and why they will need to be patient.



( Edu Gaspar and Mikel Arteta / Photo via Getty)

As the summer transfer window approaches, Arsenal sporting director Edu Gaspar has sent a message of caution to the club’s fans, emphasizing the meticulous and extensive process behind their recruitment strategy.

In an interview with Estadão, Edu outlined the meticulous approach that Arsenal takes when acquiring new players, emphasizing the depth of their analysis. “You can’t sign [a player] for the sake of signing. It has to be a process that takes weeks & weeks. On my desk, I have reports of over 180 pages on one player. It’s really detailed stuff – physical, technical, mental profile, whether he has Premier League experience, whether he’ll be able to adapt – everything.”

Edu stressed the collaborative nature of Arsenal’s transfer policy, emphasizing the involvement of a wider group in decision-making. “We analyse our deficiencies, where we can improve, where we can invest & then we go in search of that new name. We’ve been discussing what I’m going to do now since January. It’s not my decision or Mikel’s, it’s a group decision.”

With Arsenal narrowly missing out on the Premier League title, the summer transfer window will be crucial in bolstering the squad and ensuring continued success. However, Edu’s message underscores the fact that Arsenal’s approach to recruitment involves meticulous planning and a commitment to long-term strategies. While fans may be eager for new signings, Edu’s words serve as a reminder that patience and careful consideration will be key in shaping Arsenal’s future.

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