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Kai Havertz delights Arsenal fans with just one post while on holiday

Kai Havertz had a successful first season at the Emirates Stadium and the German international has now delighted the fans with one post while on holiday.



( Arsenal midfielder Kai Havertz / Photo via Getty )

Arsenal fans are delighted to see the strong bond between their players, especially evident in a recent Instagram post by midfielder Kai Havertz. The German international posted a picture of him playing cards with captain Martin Ødegaard, showcasing the camaraderie between the two key players.

Just a week after the conclusion of a grueling season that saw Arsenal narrowly miss out on the Premier League title, Havertz and Ødegaard seemed to be enjoying some well-deserved downtime. Havertz captioned the post “recharging,” suggesting that the duo were taking a break before the start of pre-season training.

The image has been met with enthusiasm from Arsenal supporters, who have been impressed by the team’s chemistry on and off the pitch. Havertz and Ødegaard have become key figures for the Gunners, with the former contributing 13 goals and 7 assists, while the latter added 8 goals and 10 assists in the 2023-24 season. Their on-field connection is further strengthened by their off-field friendship, which fans believe will be crucial in the team’s pursuit of future success.

This glimpse into the camaraderie between Arsenal players has resonated with supporters, providing a positive note after the disappointment of a missed title opportunity. The players’ strong bond is seen as a promising sign for the upcoming season, with fans hoping the team can carry their off-field chemistry into their on-field performance.

Hello there, Am Mumbere Ausbel from Uganda and I am a writer at Arsenal True Fans and I love watching football matches so much because it's my favourite sport. I am an optimistic person who usually likes to look at the good side of everything.

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