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Martinelli speaks out on title race, fans, Arteta and Bayern knocking them out of UCL

Arsenal winger Gabriel Martinelli has opened up about their Premier League title race, the supporters, Mikel Arteta and them getting knocked out by Bayern Munich.



( Arsenal winger Gabriel Martinelli / Photo via Getty )

Arsenal winger Gabriel Martinelli has reflected on the team’s 2023/24 season, acknowledging the disappointment of narrowly missing out on the Premier League title but celebrating the overall achievements.

“I’d like to thank our fans,” Martinelli told the Media. “I’d like to thank everyone who supported us, who sent messages, who made it to the stadium. We’re proud of that support. We were a little sad, we wanted to win the Premier League.”

The Brazilian winger acknowledged the collective desire to win the title after last year’s near miss. “The whole team and the fans wanted to win because of what happened last year. This year we also had an excellent season again,” he said.

Despite falling short, Martinelli emphasized the team’s strong performance against formidable opponents. “But these are things that happen in football, especially competing with City and Liverpool, one of the best teams in the world.”

He highlighted the significance of returning to the Champions League after a long absence. “We can’t discard the year, we can’t say it wasn’t good, because it was excellent,” Martinelli stated. “After years out of the Champions League, we played, we faced Bayern Munich. Maybe we lacked a little luck in some games. City, everyone knows how strong they are. But I was happy with my team and our season.”

Martinelli’s words reflect the team’s ambition and resilience. While acknowledging the disappointment of falling short of the ultimate goal, he celebrates the team’s progress and the collective spirit that carried them throughout a challenging season. His outlook remains optimistic, promising a bright future for Arsenal and their passionate supporters.

I just love writing and football so much ever since the 2000's when football got popular in our country. I am a self esteemed person who believes is am always right.

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